3 Limits Of A Royal Ranger Commander [S04,E143]


3 Limits Of A Royal Ranger Commander

Every Outpost can go through times of low focus and productivity.  Many things can cause this but how we think, our mindset can be a great place to start turning this tide.

There are beliefs that limit us.  Lies that we have bought into exacerbated by our circumstances.  We all have limitations, but we don’t have to shackle ourselves with internal beliefs that hold us back from what God has for us.  If you don’t believe us about the power of our thoughts here is what the Bible has to say.

Proverbs 23:7 “For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

The good news is that with the power of the Holy Spirit we can transform our thinking and break free of these limits.

Romans 12:1 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind….”

Let’s look at these limits and then renew our minds with a transforming truth.

I’m Too Busy.

This seems to be a universal truth.  My kids have been saying this since middle school.  Teachers, plumbers, bank presidents, pastors, stay-at-home moms, everyone is busy.

Renew your mind with this transforming truth.  You have all the time you need to accomplish all God has for your life.  And, that doesn’t just mean work.  Jesus came to give us life, and life to the full.  You have all the time you need to be a great husband and enjoy your wife.  To be a great dad and chronicle wonderful memories with your children.  And, to be an effective mentor of future men.  Reaching, teaching, and keeping them for Jesus Christ.

I love what John Maxell says, “you can’t be anything you want but you can be everything God wants you to be.”

I’m Not In Control Of My Time

Sometimes our life feels like a whale sitting in your bathtub.  There is no room and things like Rangers get jammed in around the edges.  All of us know how profoundly important the work of Royal Ranger is, but as volunteers, the use of our time doesn’t really reflect that importance.  Renew your mind and your ministry with this transforming truth.  I can make great use of the time I do control.  Be intentional.  The Holy Spirit called you into Rangers and your faithfulness brings you back each week, now it’s time to ask yourself how to W.I.N.  (What’s Important Now) Don’t let your busy life keep you thinking about the next job, project, or task.  Be present while you’re at Rangers.  Eliminate distractions and be focused on what God has for you each night.  You don’t have to do more to be a great Commander.  Do less better.

My Situation In Life Won’t Allow It Right Now

There are four domains of your life that sit at the top of the chart:

  • God
  • Marriage and Family
  • Work
  • Church

Andy Stanley says, “Everyone is going somewhere in life, only a few get there on purpose.”  If you don’t look to God and His word for clarity in at least these four domains, life will continue to encroach on your boundaryless days and weeks until you become all but defeated.

Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

Renew your mind with this transforming truth.  I can start small now.  God says in His word that he will make the faithful able.

Proverbs 2:8 for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones.

Again, if God has called you, be prepared for a little resistance.  The enemy absolutely doesn’t want you training up the next generation.  If spreading the gospels is the great commission, you won’t find any ministry that gives

Hitting a wall and reach the limit or ceiling as a business concept for restricted opportunity and closed economic barrier to succeed as a group of air balloons trapped by a thick roof.

you a better platform to fulfill that mandate.