SMC Honduras 2017, Taking Your Rangers Abroad [S01,E32]

SMC Honduras, Taking Your Rangers


What is it all about and why!

In a four-day span of time SMC creates safe yet challenging experiences that hone boys’ skills in decision making, teamwork and situational awareness.  We take the Biblical concept of personal discipline and weave into every blue, gold and red point of the Ranger code.  Here is the twist, when packaged as a missions trip the visiting Ranger boys become the instructors, visiting and national commanders step back into mentorship positions and it becomes a boy led adult facilitated camp.

How does SMC abroad differ from SMC US?

  1. Boy led, Adult Facilitated
    At all of the US SMC’s there is a junior staff that is very active in every aspect of camp. They are not goffers or pack mules fetching things and pulling wagons.  They are leading and being mentored.
  2. There is no charge for the National Rangers
    As part of the fundraising efforts the US team raises money to provide all the food and materials for the National Rangers.
  3. Translation
    The language barrier is something that you don’t want to gloss over. The one logical issue can affect: teaching time, curriculum, meals, and may other areas.  It is essential that your instructors have a National counterpart that is bilingual.
  4. Fewer Merits
    Because much of your teaching time has to be lengthen due to the language barrier keeping the number of merits to 4 makes for a much more enjoyable camp and no less impact.
  5. Missionary’s Work
    Unlike a construction trip or one that focuses on street ministry, SMC helps to connect, and build the host missionaries network to the Royal Ranger organization in the host country.

Keys to success

Plan Early
I would suggest that you start planning a year out.  Get your playbook together, then start working on a destination and a missionary contact.

Make sure you can leave the country
As soon as you know where your going and a contact on the ground it’s time to promote and assemble your team.  One of the earliest boxes you want to check is passports.

On average every team member will be responsible to raise $1000 – $1200.

Communication with the National Team
I can’t stress this enough.  Expectations met can make for a stellar camp.  Unmet expectations can vanish the camp with a lack luster look that is hard to buff out.

Communication with Missionary
Your missionary is your international liaison.  He is the experienced traveler to the foreign country that your visiting.