Honoring God With Your Money [S05,E167]




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Author Susan Ball’s Blog Site




Welcome to the ranger podcast, your virtual outposts for gearing up and mapping out your next great adventure. Hey everybody.

And welcome again to the ranger podcast. Thank you so much for spending a little bit of your time with us and, uh, learning to mentor future men and reach, teach, and keep boys for Jesus Christ. I’m commander Randy, and I will be flying solo today. So the all-important wing man position is vacant, but that’s okay. I’ll get you through it. And, uh, but you won’t be totally listening to my voice the whole time, because today is a great show. We’re going to have a guest on. And, uh, as you know, we, we try to, to do a couple of things on the show. Uh, we, we share our pains and gains. So we talk about our real life experiences inside of our outpost. And through that, you know, we’re all part of families and relationships and we have kids of our own. And so those are all part of learning and growing to be good mentors.

But we also have parts of the show where we learn from other people. When we look for great books, you know, commander Wayne and I are big readers. We, we think you should be reading all the time. Um, we mentioned books everywhere and we come across books in unusual ways. Matter of fact, most of the time the books we do read are recommended to us. And so today’s guest and today’s book is came to us in a really interesting way. And, you know, God has a way of connecting dots and bringing our world very, very small around us. So, uh, you, I think you’ll enjoy hearing how these dots are connected, um, by way of Royal Rangers international. So we’re grateful to them and all that they do. And listen, before we get into the show, just remember, you can find [email protected] and you can find all the show notes there and show note links.

So that’s kind of the important part of it is not only can you listen to the shows right there, you can comment, you can find all the email information, so email us and we’d get great emails. Um, you know, in the next couple of of weeks, I want to share a few emails and I want to be respectful, but they just it’s. It’s so great to hear what’s going on around the world and around the country and what God’s doing through the ranger podcast. And again, not through Wayne and I, but through, uh, you guys sharing your stories. And again, we’re just being, we’re trying to be good curators of, of the information and material that God gives us. And, uh, and just seeing lives touched and changed and encourage it’s, it’s, it’s a lot of fun. And so please, if there’s anything commander Wayne and I can do for you, don’t hesitate email us, and we’re happy to respond to that.

Also listen to the shows with your favorite podcast app and through iTunes. And if you don’t mind take a, take a second or two and just give a rating there, and that will help us out a lot. And, um, so thank you. All right. So, uh, I was actually having a conversation with, uh, Andy Whitman and you know, him cause he’d been on the show a couple of times and you’ve heard his intro, uh, lead into our intro. And we were literally talking about a project that, that related to, um, the capstone and all you guys know that in the book, uh, um, that’s attached to that. And Andy was sharing with me that his sister was an author and writer that really what’s the book. And so she, he sent me the book title, and I was really interested in it right away because every year we try and do some component and especially around the April time of the year, that’s dealing with our finances. And so I had, I didn’t know anything about Andy’s family. Uh, and so he began to share this with me, shared the book with me and I contacted his sister. And so, uh, she’s with us today. So welcome to the show, Susan, how are you, Susan?

Bye to be here. Um, great. Thank you.

Yeah. And so the title of this book is honoring God with your money and Susan, uh, you have a great background in education as, but more specifically in educating finance and things like that. So give us a little bit of your background and why you decided to write this book.

Thank you. Um, I’ve always liked money and budgeting. I studied accounting and finance in school and I was at, um, first assembly of God in Gainesville, Florida, and the pastor pretty much. Yeah. Um, was into helping people understand that they needed to budget and manage their money in a, in order to be able to accomplish all that God wanted them to. So I actually started working with him. He would periodically do, um, a four-part series on what the Bible said about money. And then we would work with people in the congregation to help them budget, um, and plan. And, and it also led of course, to greater tie than things. Um, so I’ve been passionate about that. God’s opened many doors over the years for me just to work with people, um, to understand how, you know, money is important to manage and to use wisely, um, in order to accomplish everything that God has for them. And so then, um, a few years ago, about 10 now I was reading Dwight L Moody’s book, um, pleasure and profit and Bible study and thought, you know, I’ve never really done my own study of just, he suggested picking a word, learning everything. The Bible says about that word. So of course I picked money and just started from there. And this grew out of that Bible study that I did just from my own self interest

And Susan, I’m no theologian, but I’ve read the Bible and years and been a Christ follower enough years to know that if, uh, aside from relationships, money is a pretty big issue in scriptural things, right?

Absolutely. There’s actually thousands of verses that are related to money and there are people who’ve categorize them all. You can find that on the internet. I didn’t know that when I was doing my Bible study and I don’t think I would have wanted to do it that way, I just started with my coordinates and looking at money and later things like income and wealth and riches. And then that led to, well, what about greed and selfishness? Right. Um, but there’s about 3000 verses related to money. And most of Christ’s parables included money in some way.

Yeah. And you know, it’s interesting too is, and by the way, it doesn’t, you don’t have to be a Christ follower to know that money issues are big deals. So this is not a, a exclusive to us as, as believers, but it is really important. And, you know, it’s interesting to me, um, and by no fault of us as, as churches, you know, in, in church leadership and stuff. Um, but young people, I mean, I remember when I was 23 and got married, I knew very little about money and I was in college. And, and so it’s interesting that we w we’re, we’re never really equipped that well, and, but there is plenty of tools that we can use to be equipped. And, and, and, and what’s great about your book is that not only do you give some real world, um, kind of, uh, tools, but it’s all driven back to what God has for us. And so maybe a good jumping off point here, Susan is I love the title of the book, and I always kind of love to, kinda, to, to, uh, tease out from the author, you know, why honoring God with your money, why that title stuck out to you, because obviously that was important to you. And I think it’s a, it’s a good place to start. So why, why the title,

Uh, will impart actually, I had just, just occurred to me that the mission missionary theme song is honoring. Okay. I want to honor you. Um, but several years ago, I just really started praying every morning. God, just help me to honor you with my life today. And so I think honoring God has become kind of a theme of my life. And so, as I look to what we were trying to do with this Bible study, I felt it wasn’t really like principles of budgeting. It was how to honor God with my money. You know, that God gives me those resources. I’m a steward of everything that he gives me. And as a steward, I need to honor the one that I work for God with my resources. Well,

And, and to, um, you know, there’s always these, uh, w when you look at something like this in a book like this, you’re looking at, um, we’re all kind of looking for the formula that works, right. And so, you know, the first thing that jumps off the page or that jumps into people’s minds rather is, okay, this is a, this a finance book, a money book. And, you know, I’m going to do this and get this return on this investment and things like that. And some of the book is, is that, and some of the book is a way to manage your money well, but, but God’s economy. And the way God’s quote formulas work, aren’t always exactly what we’re being taught and what, what the culture is teaching us. And we know this to be true. Um, from the relational side, all of this is, is we’ve seen this.

If you’re in a, if you’re an adult, then you’ve run into this where God says that in order to, to be in his love, it’s how much of it you give away and where the culture would be telling us well, that’s a terrible way to, you know, that’s a, that’s a definitely a way that you’re going to be betrayed, that people are going to take advantage of you. And so this is true with the way we honor God with our money. A lot of times, um, we’re looking at these bottom lines and returns on investment, and yet God wants us to live a life. Like Jesus said, live life to the full and have this joy in our heart. And that’s what the honoring God with your money for me, when I read the book, that’s where I’m, what I’m getting out of it is is that if you want a life that’s joyful, then a huge part of that is going to be honoring God with your money. Correct.

Absolutely. Um, money can be, um, more of a, almost a, uh, pre prison or a restriction. If you make money, your goal, it can hinder you and take away your joy, whereas you share it. It brings joy, kind of another, um, thing in the Christian life that others don’t understand is that there is a lot of parallax, uh, paradox is, you know, as you give away money, God promises to bless you more. But if you give it away, because he’s got to bless you more, you don’t have the right attitude. So the attitude has to be that God has put it in my heart to give to this person. And whether I get something back from God on this life, or I get it back at heaven, I have to be obedient. But if I give away more and more of my money to the church, because God’s promised to bless me, that might be the wrong attitude, right.

And you become more free when you just know I’m going to bless God. I’m going to do what God says with my money, bless others in however he tells me to, and knowing that I can’t out give God. Yeah. And, you know, Randy Alcorn writes about, we can’t take our wealth with us, but we can send it to heaven ahead of time that, you know, when we give and we obey, there is a reward for us in heaven, and there might be a reward for us now. Sure. But it’s the attitude. I think that is, um, proper. And it really is freeing to know that I’m just going to trust God with my money. I’m going to obey him. I’m going to be wise, and I’m going to be responsible and take care of my family, but I’m going to trust him. And that really lifts a big burden off of you planning as far as planning for your future and things.

Right. And none of these things mean that you’re going to have a million trillion zillion, Google dollars. Right. Very, very, very few people are going to have that kind of wealth. And I think in these are kind of first world ideas, right? And these are the things that we, we think about when we talk about millionaires and billionaires and things like that. But, you know, what’s always interested me is I’ve kind of, I’ve been on the planet maybe a little longer than some, um, is, um, always been fascinated and always taken note of those families that you just know, you know, their vocation and their vocation, aren’t the millionaire billionaire people, but they, their families are just so they’re, they have so much fun and so much joy and they love life and they give, and, and, and that’s kind of what we’re talking about here.

This is the living inside of God’s economy is not about, uh, massing, huge wealth. And he may reward. He may bless you. You may be the kind of person that he wants millions and billions of dollars in, but he’s also knows what you’re able to handle. And he wants you, he wants to open the world to you. And that includes the world of your finances. And so I think that’s part of this conversation of, of honoring God. And let me just tell the listeners, Susan, a little bit more about your book, and you can comment on this please. But one of the things that I like about this book is, um, it’s packaged exactly the way you would want this book to be packaged. It’s not 600 pages long. It’s not written like a college textbook. It’s very, very easy to read. It starts out, it finishes where you want it to finish.

You know, the good, the you’re getting closer and closer and closer. As you read through to the, to the, the golden nuggets that you’re going to apply the ax, your, your, your finances, but it starts changing your heart. And mind, the book starts changing who you are and the way you see your money and then, and then unfolds that way. And, uh, Susan’s got a, um, well, by the way, you can follow her on Facebook. And, um, she’s a, she’s a blogger and she can follow some of her additional thoughts about this book, but there’s a leader guide to it. So this, yes, ACE an individual will pick this book up, use it, apply it very easy read, and you’re going to get some great gold nuggets that you can apply. But this is a great tool for small groups for a commander’s retreat lead conference, breakout session, because there’s a leader guide associated with it.

And I got it printed out and it’s it’s commanders is just what you would hope it would be. It’s got icebreaker games, it’s got all kinds of things and real worksheet type stuff. So yes, you want to know the material and understand it and be applying it to your life, but you could be new at applying. It’s just like, like what we do in Rangers, you may, uh, as a kid may have never done lashing, but you can study it, learn it. And now, you know, the national office done a great job, packaging this material in a way that now you can present it to the boys. So Susan am I, how did I do?

Great. Great. Um, so as I was developing it, um, I mentioned to you earlier, I was thinking in terms of the friends and girls only materials where it gives icebreakers and, um, activities and extra and, um, pieces of information. And so I tried to develop it that way. And so one of the fun things, I think the very first chapter starts off with people trying, uh, as icebreaker, trying to barter and see what they come up with to, um, help emphasize that money makes our life much easier because when I go to work for somebody, instead of them giving me, you know, food and clothes, they give me money and I can go pick what I want. And bartering is a very challenging thing. So I’ve tried to put some interesting little games and activities, um, but also some facts. Um, you know, that there are actually quite a lot of, uh, high percentage of millionaires who identify as Christians, but there’s also, um, discussions on whether that is fulfilling the biblical mandate.

If you’re holding onto your money as a, and being a millionaire, are you neglecting sharing with the poor? And, um, there’s not always easy answers for all that, but my hope is to really spur some thought and give people, um, give these children or teenagers or young adults ideas about really thinking about, do I need to amass $10 million or do I need to just have enough to keep my family comfortable? And should I be giving away the rest to my church to missions to feed the poor? Um, so I want, uh, why did you create some materials that would, you know, spur thought and discussion above what somebody would do if they were just doing the book on their own?

Yeah. Right. And we have in, in Rangers, we teach the budget and finance merit. And, um, and this is a great book. If you feel like, ah, man, I’m, I know I need to teach us merit, but I’m not really up to speed. Well, this is, this book will get you up to speed in a hurry. And I found a lot of young people, college aged people, cause I have college age kids. They are looking for these kinds of solutions and answers. And I’ve been a really impressed by our expedition ranger, age, young men, um, who were thinking about finances and thinking about vocation. And I’m not sure. Well, personally, I wasn’t thinking that way at their age. And so I think there has been a little shift in culture. They’re able to see a lot more than we did, you know, because their worlds are opened up to every possible Facebook page and Instagram, and they follow everybody on, on Snapchat and stuff.

So, whereas if you and I wanted to see a friend, we had to get on our bike and, you know, go find him. Um, but there’s something in the book let’s, let’s dig in a little bit. And, and I, I also liked the fact that you, you don’t call them chapters, you call them lessons. So in, in lesson six, you talk a little bit about trusting your wealth. And I wanted to hit on this because this is a big deal for us as Americans. And this is probably a bigger deal than any of us think about. And if you took a hard look in the mirror, you would probably tell yourself, I trust my wealth a lot more than I should, right?

Yes. I mean, we all like to see that number and our checkbook and our savings account going up. Um, I think most of us feel like there’s some threshold that if it goes below that we feel very uncomfortable. And so we do, you know, we want to know that we have that three to six months worth of rent or mortgage payments and utilities covered.

Yeah. And you know, we, we also use that litmus test when God’s called us to something don’t we, you know, and that really is the trust. God, trust your money moment. And look, I’ll, I’ll admit to this. There’s, there’s been times where, you know, guns said, Hey, I want you to do this and it’s gonna, I know how much it’s going to cost me. Maybe it’s a missions trip, something like that. Or he’s asked me to give to missions or give to something in the church. And that need, you’re kind of like you say, the math is, is happening in my brain, the calculators running the numbers. Can you do it? Can you, can I, am I able to trust my wealth enough with this decision? And that’s the wrong way to look at it, right? It’s can I trust God with this decision?

It really is. And it’s one of those things you have to kind of start small when you’re young and then you have this history of God’s seen you through all these things and it builds on that. So one of the stories I share in the book as my husband and I being graduate students on a very, very tight budget, um, this is a 1980, so we had $20 a week for food. And, um, we had a missions conference and we both felt like God said, pledge $15 a month. Well, that was the big chunk of our discretionary money. Um, but we, we filled out our promise card and we pledged it. And a couple of days later, the phone rang and this person says you won the shopping center of giveaway and I’m great shopping center giveaway. They’re like, Oh yeah, I did put my name in a box at the grocery store the other day.

Well, I had one, a gift from every store in this strip shop center. Um, some of it was gift certificates. Some of it was, I remember one was a set of pots and pans while I had a wedding coming up that became the wedding gift. Another one was gift certificate to a drugstore and our neighbor was getting ready to have a baby. And I went and got diapers and an infant formula for her for a gift. Um, and the value of that was probably 300. Now we didn’t give the $15 thinking, well, God’s going to turn around and, and give us this big return. But we gave it in faith knowing that we didn’t really have, you know, that extra money without really being careful and just honoring God by doing what he put in both of our hearts. And that was like this immediate, see, I’ve got you miss, you know, from God. And we were, you know, 23 years old, um, on our own for the first time we had both lived at home and gone to undergrad and then we moved 800 miles away and had an apartment for the first time and bills. And, um, and it was really God just kind of saying, Hey, I’ve got you. And it has set the stage for us, you know, as we moved on to just trust him in bigger and bigger things.

Mm. And you really recommend, uh, and it’s great advice, journal those kinds of things. Cause then you’ll get the what, for whatever reason we all do it. We get to the next Valley and we forget the last Valley. God brought us out of, you know, and yet we, those are the resources that you can go back to is to look and, and remind yourself that God didn’t pull us through a tough time. And,

And God commanded the Israelites back in, you know, Exodus and Deuteronomy, write these things down and remind your children and set up a Memorial because we do need to be reminded of how faithful God has been to us. And it helps us when we’re facing another mountain to go, Oh yeah, God got me through that. He’s going to get me through this. Yeah.

And commanders, I’ll tell you, you know, journaling, that kind of stuff also shifts your mind a little bit. Your thinking, because it’s so important. As you’re, as you’re mentoring these young men, they need to see through you. Some of those faithful areas that get where God has shown up and trust, and you’ve been able to trust him. And then you can bring moments. You know, we, we create these kinds of moments in, in ranger, Susan, where, uh, like for right now we’re doing like this Eurasia campaign with Royal Rangers international, or, um, we try and take a missions trip every year. And when, so for example, with a missions trip, we, we come to the boys and we say, listen, this is what you need to do. You need to go home and talk to your family. You need to pray about it. Despite the money.

Don’t think about the money, but pray and find out is this what God wants me to do? Does God want you on this mission ship? This is a moment where you are going to give your time. You’re going to give your money. You’re going to sacrifice all this for somebody else and to do a work for God. And it’s been amazing because we’ve gone on these missions trips, where we always remind the young men, when we’re sitting on that bus, getting ready to go to the airport, you know, think about it, guys. We’re here getting ready to pull out. Every one of you raise the $1,100 to go and all different kinds of stories. And, but we’re here and we’re. And so God was faithful to provide for you what you needed and all of us, you know, again, have different stories. And that’s where that journaling comes in.

And again, in Rangers, those are the ways to pull those boys into an environment, create a situation where they are going to have to trust God for this. And it’s fun. It’s interesting. It’s fascinating. I had a, uh, a young man Susan, the other day, a sixth grader, uh, had one of the little toolboxes and he decided he talked to his family and to saving dimes, that’s it just a dime. And that’s the only thing that was in this box. And so when I took it to the lodge, you know, the guy, one of the, one of the commanders that was counting it out, he was like, what’s what is with all the dimes. But anyway, there was like $130 of dimes in this thing. And so just a lot of these unique things, and that will speak volumes to the sixth grader, years down the road, where the dimes were the thing that helped Eurasia and it’s invaluable, right?

It really is. Um, because God takes our little bit our dime and he multiplies it to, you know, tremendous things. And you think back to like the loaves and the fish, you know, Jesus wound up after he fed 5,000 people with more than they started with because that’s God’s multiplication. And these dimes, every dime represents a promise of you. Some life is going to be touched. And so teaching them that, and then from a savings point of view, you know, the Bible talks about amassing little by little, we don’t amass great savings at 25, you know, but hopefully by 45 we’ve, we have some savings. And by 65 we have more savings. But, um, little by little, we grow our savings little by little. We invest in the kingdom and God takes all of that. And he multiplies that. And it’s great for kids to see that, you know, the mission is to do the coins for kids. And we used to have little cardboard containers where we put quarters up. Yeah. And again, you know, all of that represents a potential to change a life.

Absolutely. So Susan, one of the big things, and I think, again, it’s the, it’s, it’s the droopy shoulder, just weighty stuff of life is debt. And you dress this in your book. And so talk to us a little bit about those, those of us out there that may be looking dead square in the eye and need to take some steps. You know, what is, what, what can you tell us about that?

Well, if you don’t live beyond, below your means, you’re going to always wind up with debt. And in my profession as a small business development center consultant, I see people who want to start a business and they just have too much personal debt to take on business debt or to be trusted with business debt. Um, I see people like Andy, when he wanted to go to the mission field, he had to manage his money well and, and not have a lot of debt to be able to do that. So debt, you know, can hold us back from our dreams. And so having a goal of what you can accomplish when you get out of debt will really help. Um, but just taking it again, step-by-step, uh, little by little adding, a small increase to your minimum payment on your credit card, bill will help you to get that paid off faster.

And if you can find $50 extra a month or a hundred dollars extra a month, just start paying them off, then that will really pay dividends as you go through. And I do an example of that in the book, you just, you know, don’t try to pay off $20,000 debt in six months, but have a goal to do it in four or five years and just do what you can do. Um, but cutting back, saving up, um, is very important in that asking God to show you where you can cut things out of your budget. Uh, maybe you have to humble yourself and go to your church food pantry and get help with food so that you can have that extra 25 or $50 to pay off the debt. And that’s fine. That’s the way God provides. Um, he’s provided for us and just astonishing ways. And as he sees you paying off debt, I believe God then creates new opportunities and more money and, and, um, helps you to find more ways to cut back so you can pay it off even sooner, because God doesn’t want you to be hampered by debt. That would prevent you from doing the plans that he has for you.

Right. And I’ve had this question asked of me, and I’m sure you’ve had this question asked as well. Um, but people that are paying off debt and they get their plans together and, and they’ll even seeing this debt tick down, uh, and the question of tides comes up and they, and I, I don’t know if you’ve come across this question, but we’re where people begin to think, Hey, you know what, if I didn’t tie, now I could pay more of my debt off faster to get to the point where I could then tie and give more. There’s a little danger in that. Isn’t there.

I do think so. Absolutely. You know, God says, bring me the first fruits. The tithe belongs to God. And in reality, it all belongs to God. You know, he gave it to us. He gives us the ability to create wealth. He gives us grace and talents and good jobs, and we give back that 10% and we trust him. And it’s an act of faith and God always honors acts of faith. And so, you know, um, a lot of times people say, you know, I’m doing better with the 90% that I was with the a hundred percent people again, well, that’s not an accident. That’s God doing all these little things in your life. Um,

That’s the God math we were talking about at the beginning, right? That’s the honor honoring God with your money. Math that 90% is far more than a hundred percent when you’re honoring him with it. And, and I totally totally agree with you. I think that you will pay your debt off faster when you tithe. And there’s just no possible way. You know, that, that in my opinion,

We get to heaven. We’re going to be amazed at all the things that God has done for us that helped us financially, that we didn’t know many other ways, too. I’m always wondering like how many car accidents has God saved me from?

Absolutely. Or even I say this sometimes Susan, where, um, I th I, I’ve always said that God can redeem your money and time in ways that you can’t even fathom because time is money, right? I mean, you that’s work is you’re giving up your time. And it’s the only thing that is, um, is the most valuable thing you have. And so I tell people all the time and I’m not trying to be boastful, but I, I park them most of the times when I go to the go to a mall or a store, I park front on my way there, I hit most of the green lights. I mean, these are those areas where God is just, I don’t sit in traffic. I don’t, and I’m not, I’m not bragging. I’m just saying that I’m just taking notice of what I’m sure God’s doing the same thing in your life. I’m just taking notice of it that, wow. I, you know, we, we went to Gainesville and it wasn’t a single traffic accident there in back. And these are the Moen. This is where God’s redeeming all of that. Right.

Exactly. And, you know, giving him your time works that way, too. We had a friend years ago, God had put on his heart, he needed just to do a small group Bible study. It’s like, I’m just too busy at work. He owned his own construction company. Well, a few months of denying God that he should start a Bible study, all of his work dried up and suddenly he had lots of time. So we started this small group Bible study that we were part of. And he’s like, you know, um, God gave me all the time in the world. I have no work right now. Well, then God began to bless this world to, you know, a lot of times we feel God’s calling us to something and we feel like, Oh, I, how can I even work that in? And then once we do it, God just frees up more time for us things. We accomplish things faster than we thought possible. You know? So he multiplies our time if we give it to him, um, you know, but I would be afraid not to step out and give him my time that he’s asking for, or give him my money that he’s asking me.

Yeah, absolutely. Right. And one last thing I want to say about the debt topic too, is, especially in marriage, you know, commanders, sometimes this is a tough topic. It’s tough conversation. We we’ve all, both my wife and I both have spent money on things we shouldn’t have or didn’t save what we should have, all these kinds of things. And so a tool like this, a book like Susan’s is kind of that third party that shows up and, and together you’re looking at material that it’s Susan giving you the advice it’s Susan telling you that your budget should be this. And that can be just the thing that keeps tamps down some of the tension in the argument and things like that. Right, Susan.

Well, I hope so. Um, and there’s a lot of, you know, tips in there about attitudes toward money and working together as a couple. Um, but yeah, you could certainly, um, the percentages and things are based on historic numbers. The big thing with couples I think is to really pray about your budget, but all, should I have a little bit of money that you can each spend and maybe that’s $10 a week or $50 a month, or more depending on your budget where, you know, you can go get, you know, a latte or she can go get a manicure and that’s okay. Um, so you don’t want it to be legalistic, like, yeah, I don’t have any freedom. Um, but you know, it goes back to, you know, God’s word and, and honoring one another and honoring, um, you know, respecting each other as you have these conversations about money and letting God lead and, you know, and having the book as a resource.

Well, Susan, we’re running out of time and, uh, but thank you for joining us on the ranger podcast. And, uh, you know, maybe we can do this again next year. We’ll tackle maybe some other topics, uh, because it’s, uh, it’s a really good book. I think you’ll love having it on your, on your bookshelf as one of the tools you use. Uh, you’ve done a really, really good job of it. And again, I think you’ve packaged it in a way that the modern culture consumes things better, you know, and so good job there. Um, and Susan, we’ll make sure that in the show notes, we put every link that we can, you know, the links back to you and back to your book. And, and, and there is an opportunity, right, Susan, for, if you are an outpost and maybe at a commander’s treat, you want to do this as a session, you can get some group discounts and, um, we’ll make sure we put that site up there. And, uh, as well as the, the, uh, link to email Susan, so you can get that the leader’s guide. So the cover, everything.

And, um, you know, I just really enjoy your show. I heard, um, the Andy’s podcasts. Um, I think you did a great job. I’ve been part of Missionettes, um, girls ministries for 50 years in September. Um, when I joined and I think it’s just one of the best programs or Rangers in growth,

It’s fun to talk to you because, you know, I see why you don’t speak ranger EAs, but she’s speak girls, you know, you speak missionary ease and you can see the overlap. It’s, it’s fun because it’s like, you know, I’m talking to my wife, we can, we relate that way. And it’s, it’s, it has that same reach, teach, and keep kind of method. And so, yeah, and you definitely have a good connection there, but, and maybe next time you’ll give us a little bit of a, you know, some, some dirt on Andy’s childhood that we can hold over him. So yeah,

I’ll have to go way back in the recesses of my mind. It’s been a long time since you’re I have been children, but I am 10 years older than him. So I knew him as a tiny little one, and I can remember those things. Well, thank you. Good for him.

Yep. Thank you, Susan. And thank you everybody for tuning in to the ranger podcast. Remember you can find [email protected] and we sure appreciate you and appreciate all your hard work. So, uh, have a great week everybody, and we’ll see you.