One Small Step for Gary, One Giant Leap Toward Servant Leadership [S02,E47]

One Small Step for Gary, One Giant Leap Toward Servant Leadership

Once a year the largest district Ranger event comes around, Pow Wow, and every year a new Camp Boss steps forward to assemble a winning team of boys to lead and adults to facilitate.  Sometimes it’s a seasoned Ranger Commander and other times it a Commander who’s fairly, new but has caught the fire and is ready to dive in.  The year for Outpost 169 of Penn Florida it’s the latter.

Meet Gary

Commander Garry jumped in almost immediately after showing up at OP169.  He son Elijah has quickly become a valued member of the team, heading up our audio and video every Wednesday night and helping with many fundraisers.  Gary and Elijah happened to come on the scene during a Camporama year and both attending in 2016.  They have also been on an Outpost missions trip and most recently survived a winter backpacking trip.

Be Called, Be Compelled, or Be Recruited

Gary’s story.  Was he called to serve, compelled to server or was he recruited to serve.  It may begin to sound like a bit of both.  Gary was obviously being nudged by God towards service to the Royal Rangers, but it was the constant reinforcement of his brothers in the ministry that began to compel him to step out and take on a roll like Camp Boss.  Even though, at OP169, there is no recruitment, leaders are always identifying strengths within the ranks and encouraging those Commanders to use the gifts God has entrusted them with.

Pow Wow Playbook

How has is been received by Gary and how did it effect his view of the Camp Boss position?  Also, did it help ease any apprehension he may have had toward fulfilling the role?  Knowing that he has the full support of the Outpost certainly gave Gary the confidence he needed to move forward.  An Outpost wont last long if it’s leadership doesn’t promote a one for all, and all for one culture.

Post Pow Wow Debrief

Stay tuned.  We will have Gary back in April after Pow Wow to share his experiences as Camp Boss and his feedback on how helpful the Pow Wow Playbook was in getting him ready.