6 Best Outpost Practices [S04,E141]

Best Outpost Practices

It never ceases to amaze me that best practices in most disciplines are usually simple.  Now, that doesn’t mean they are easy, but with a little discipline and small changes in behavior you can make huge impacts is so many areas of life.  (Basketball, Marksmanship, Pottery, Marriage, etc…)  In this episode, we are going to look at 6 of the best Outpost practices and share our pains and gains in applying them at OP169.

  1. Gather The Faithful
    1. How do you bread leadership in the absence of commitment?
  2. Boy Led Adult Facilitated
  3. The Two Rules
  4. Keep Score
  5. Accountability
  6. Put some starch in your uniform — Uniformity is not Conformity
    1. Adolescents and teenagers have a strong desire to merge into culture.  It’s normal to want to fit in, and that typically leads to certain music, certain dress, etc…
    2. Wearing a Ranger uniform doesn’t mean your selling out, it means your buying in.  Buying into a brotherhood of like-minded Christ-following warriors.
    3. The Ranger uniform embodies identity.  Identifying you as an adventurer on a journey to discover your specialized purpose in Christ accompanied by your Outpost.