Ability Might Not Count for Much [S02,E54]

Ability Might Not Count for Much

Most of us have been interviewed for a job, and before we landed that interview we sent in a resume that carefully listed all our abilities and the situations they were called on to be used.  We sat in front of our interview ready to launce into our personal sales pitch that would reinforce the abilities listed on or resume.  Would it surprise you to find out that only 16% of what a company is looking for is the ability to do the job, according to Dan Miller form 48days.com.  Would it surprise you further to find out that in any of God’s kingdom initiatives 0% of what He is looking for is the ability to do what he has asked.  God is not looking for the most able but rather the most available.

In 2nd Timothy 2:2 Paul gives this directive to Timothy, “..what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach other. 

Notice that the emphasis is on faithful not able.  As a matter of fact, God is saying, find faithful and I will make them able.

Hoping They Will Be Faithful

Many times, we get this wrong in Rangers.  We look for the most able and hope they will be faithful.  If you really begin to examine your Outpost you will start to remember those instances where you gave some key leadership position to a very able person only to have things come of the tracks for a lack of faithfulness. 

Commander Howard is an unassuming man with a story that would take months to tell.  During a planning session for an upcoming SMC Commander Howard spoke up and said that he would like to be the lead instructor for the Rocketry merit.  Not only had Howard never been a lead instructor, but in the 15 years that we have known him rocketry never came up.  I can tell you that more that on Commanders body language expressed a sense of skepticism.  But, when the camp director pressed him on the topic you could hear the passion and Commander Howards faithfulness has been indisputably epic.  So much was the air of skepticism that during SMC at a test launch of his glider commanders lined up to see what they though would inevitably be a crash or explosion.  Phones were out, Facebook apps where launched ready to chronicle the tragic end to this fine piece of craftmanship.  3,2,1, the whoosh of rocket fuel hissed as the glider raised upward.  At it peek high the rocket started its decent and the wings began to play there part in gliding this rocked to the grand.  30 seconds later that rocket would land gracefully at Commander Howards feet.  Jaws dropped, kids cheered.  2nd Timothy 2 came to life that day.  Howard heard the call, made himself available, and God made him able. 

This Podcast vision was deposited in the hearts of the two lease able men on the planet to put together a podcast. 

I’m Not All That Faithful

This is another classic lie of the enemy.  He tries to convince us that we’re not that faithful and in turn not ready yet to serve.  But, faithfulness does not equal perfectionism.  Proverbs 26:16 “Though the righteous fall seven times, they get back up.”  Though the righteous fall.  God’s not looking for perfection.  If He was He would never find it.  He is looking for the faithful to entrust, and when the do fall they’ll get back up and press on. 

Bonuses Are Not Measured by Ability

In God’s economy bonuses are handed out to the faithful not the able.  He who is faithful with a little with be asked to faithful with a lot.

Build a team of faithful men and let He who has all of the ability make them able.

Matthew 25:23 (CEB) “His master replied, ‘Well done! You are a good and faithful servant. You’ve been faithful over a little. I’ll put you in charge of much. Come, celebrate with me.’