How To Chart A Course To The Unknown? [S04,E123]

How To Chart A Course To The Unknown?

Don’t we all love all those fictional and not fictional stories of adventures who chart courses to the unknown?  What did all these visionaries have in common?  What made those steps toward the unknown steps of confidence and not steps of trepidation?  Often times we are brought into these stories just about the time our heroes reach their destination and we see that as some kind of starting point.  The Wright brothers took flight in 1903, but their vision for flight started in the 1870’s when their dad brought them home a flying toy.  Decades of building bicycles while fostering their dream of flight.  That small toy brought something visual and tangible to what had been birthed in their hearts and imaginations.  The same cam be true for your life and ministry within the Royal Ranger program.

In this episode we are going to help you create a tangible visual tool that can put one of those visions on a path to success.  One thing that true with every thriving Outpost is a thriving, committed team.  One of the best ways to accomplish this is to create a real and creative organizational chart.  The analogy we use to speak about our organizational chart is a bus.

Building Your Bus

Draw a bus and then fill the seats with the right person for the task.  Now, if I asked you to draw a bus for your Outpost what would that bus look like.  One of the first mistakes we make is to draw a bus far to small for the Outpost of our dreams.  Go big.  Remember that you serve a limitless provider.

Here’s a starting point.  Make a bullet list of all the individual positions you need to fill.  For example:

  • Senior Outpost Commander
  • Assistant Senior Outpost Commander
  • Outpost Chaplain
  • Ranger lodge Manager
  • RK Commander
  • RK Lt. Commander
  • DR Commander
  • DR Lt. Commander
  • AR Commander
  • AR Lt. Commander
  • ER Commander
  • ER Lt. Commander
  • GMA Coordinator
  • Fund Raising Coordinator

You may not have someone to fill each position and in many cases more than one person fills two rolls, but this give you, your team, and anyone looking for a place to serve, a very visual picture of the needs.  God will honor this and begin to help you fill each seat with the perfect, faithful person.

Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance can be the catalyst to expanding your team.  Think about it this way.  If your bus is running low on water, the oil hasn’t been changed in months, and the tires are bald, how many will want to board.  We have talked about this on several other episodes.  With consistent training, team building, accountability, and an atmosphere of gratitude your bus can be running tip top and attract all the right team members.