Stop Questioning Everything! [S05,E156]

Question Everything
We are living in a culture that teaches kids to question everything and it is raising up a generation of cynics not critical thinkers.  It’s okay to ask questions is search of clarity, direction, and understanding.  A cynic has no intension of finding truth just factoids that prop up something that he believes to be true.
Leap of Faith or Evidenced Based
Affirm the questioner and encourage the questions We don’t want to come across discouraging to the inquisitive mind. We are just exposing the tool the enemy is using to pull people away from God and His word. 
65% of the Nobel lariats of the last 100 years are believers.
How do you cure a cynic? Give them the floor.
Ask questions that lead them to God’s word.
Respect and Safety Reason is a wonderful and miraculous part of being human.
Finding your Sherpa We need people in our life that we trust with some of life’s tough questions that we don’t yet understand.
Faithfulness of God
Christ is our forerunner