Today’s Royal Rangers Hyperreality [S06,E186]

Today’s Royal Rangers Hyperreality

Commander Wayne, this Country is in need or Royal Rangers more than ever.  It seems like 5 minutes ago, but it was probably 5 seasons ago that we were talking about the looming identity crises that our Ranger boys were facing and now our “zoomers” are struggling by a factor of 5.

We don’t dive headlong into politics on The Ranger Podcast, but since politics is downstream of culture, we have to pay attention.  And, this is our government, made by the people for the people.  I am certainly not encouraging anyone to immerse themselves in daily streams of news and politics, but as citizens, and Royal Ranger Commanders we have to pay attention.  “Be as wise and serpents, and as gentle as doves.”


We must help keep our Royal Rangers grounded in who they are in Jesus Christ and in who God was knitting together in their mothers womb.

And that brings us to the man focus of todays episode, “A Royal Rangers Hyperreality.”

Proposed by Jean Baudrillard, the concept of hyperreality captures the inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality.

Grandma G, Lilly, and The Strawberry Patch

Commander Wayne, we are in the strawberry capital of the world.

Distant from reality:

  1. Food
  2. Gaming
  3. Education
    1. Distance Learning
  4. Nature

The genius, and divine wisdom that is woven into the very fabric of the Royal Ranger Scouting program is a platform built on the beauty, majesty, and adventure of the great outdoors.

Far from a move to a hyperreality, Royal Rangers move boys and young men to God’s very real creation.  And there you will find room for every lesson, every nugget of Biblical wisdom, and a place where boys are forged into men.

“It is one thing to be told you possess a genuine strength but another thing altogether to discover for yourself that you do. John Eldridge”

In our efforts to be “relevant”, we need to be soberly cautious not to become hyperreal.