Want More in 2021, Then Get More…Matthew 13:12 [S05,E157]

There is a principle that we can apply to our Outpost and our personal lives here.

Matthew 13:12

English Standard Version

12 For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.

I think we have all experienced those times in our lives where we set a goal, probably a small one, achieved it, set another goal and achieved that, and little by little we just kept winning and growing.

I believe this is a subtle principle that is revealed in this chapter that we see played out all around us.  Those that put out no effort and set no goals fail and fail a lot until he has lost everything.


Commander Wayne, has there ever been a time at OP169 that we did not have a variety of goals in several domains?

Hasn’t God honored those goal pursuits with abundance and given us even greater opportunities to set bigger goals that keep expanding His reach?

Let’s share some of our Outpost 2021 plans and goals and share how we plan to achieve them.

No plan is a plan to fail.