Iceberg Right Ahead!! — Have you hit something big? [S05,E153]

Iceberg in ocean as hidden threat or danger concept

Iceberg Right Ahead – The affect of hitting COVID-19

I would say that most of us have seen the movie Titanic, and if you haven’t you certainly know the story.  I first became interested after reading Dr. Ballard’s account of finding the great ship in 1985, 10,000 below the oceans surface.  “The Slave Ship”  See podcast episode title Introducing Elvis to Iron Man

All the drama and action start after these three fateful words, “Iceberg Right Ahead.”  Once uttered helmsman where turning the ship, engine room crew where reversing engines and personnel where bracing for impact.  If they could have only saw this coming.

The captain knew this was going to be bad because he knew that what they could see of the iceberg was but a tiny portion of what they couldn’t see.

It’s the job of the captain to head of the unseen, and to put measures in place to be ready for the unexpected.  Also, when the unexpected comes, and it will, to be ready to make adjustments that will ensure his passengers arrive safely to their destination.

Commander Wayne, I have to commend you on your early recognition of the impact this virus was going to have and how quickly you assembled the team to begin projection effects and challenges moving forward.

Notice Commander Wayne that I used the word adjustments and not changes.  That may sound like wordsmithing but it’s not.  At OP169 we are all laser focused on the Ranger Vision, it’s foundations, and traditions that show who we are and whose we are.  We would never tear down a fence without carefully asking why it was put there in the first place.

So here are four things we have been doing to adjust.

  1. Go live!
    1. Zoom was so helpful during the lockdowns but now it’s time to go live.
  2. Do The Math 5 ÷ 4 = GMA
    1. We have gone to a four-week cycle. Trim the fluff and go big on content.
  3. The four-week cycle is helping us bring back traditional Patrol corners with Patrol Advisors
  4. The four-week cycle has also helped us create a Night Of Team Building and fun.
    1. Ultimate frisbee without the frisbee
    2. Protect the King.