Is there any real value in Royal Rangers? [S06,E189]

Is there any real value in Royal Rangers?

Whether you call it bait or packaging, the outdoor scouting adventure gives Royal Rangers it’s full value proposition.  However, unlike most packaging that often leads you to disappointing content, Royal Rangers delivers in its four-point maxim.  (Physically, Spiritually, Mentally, and Socially)

The operative word here is “Value”

Nothing we do will undo or supersede what happens at home.

As a program that directly comes alongside families to reach, teach, and keep boys for Jesus Christ, we must always be driving home the points that make up our value proposition.

  • Gender specific mentoring by vetted Godly men.
  • Camaraderie that goes beyond friendship
  • Bible study crafted to apply God’s word to daily life
  • Skill merits that make a man
  • Outdoor adventure that proves out young men’s confidence


As Commanders, how do we organize our weekly meetings to drive home that value proposition, poor the Godly foundation and lead advancement?

  • Draw Your Sword
  • Hands On
  • Stick To the Plan
  • Outdoor is Not Virtual


I know all of this can be overwhelming at times.  Remember, what we are describing is not some circus act.  Afterall, Commander Wayne is a terrible juggler.  At the end of the day “Content is King” and we are delivering the King’s Content.  God came to Elijah in wind, fire, and earthquake, but He spoke in a whisper.  Know God’s word, why it’s applicable to your boys’ lives and deliver.  The Holy Spirit will show up and knit it all together.