Psychology of A Royal Ranger Adventure [S06,E190]

Psychology of A Royal Ranger Adventure

There must be dozens of neurological and phycological nourishment, but in this episode of The Ranger Podcast we will examine three with the biggest impact.


I love what phycologist Matt Walker M.S, a world class mountain climber, says, “Adventure is defined by uncertain outcome. The most significant moments of our lives, the most important decisions and the most meaningful choices are characterized, in part, by uncertainty and by fear. Without uncertainty we have a safe, contained, and predictable experience; we don’t have adventure.?

Keep in mind, just because the boys are uncertain and trepid, doesn’t mean commanders are.  Every adventure is planned, tested and age appropriate.


How To Fall with Style

In the waiting area of a medical clinic hug a sign that said, “Protect the ones you love from falls.”

I wonder if it should have said, “Teach the ones you love how to fall.”

“Though righteous fall seven times, they rise again…” Proverbs 24:16

Life will trip us up, and even require of us to fall.  Every Ranger adventure offers opportunities to inspire “get back up’ moments.

He Shoots, He Scores

Frequently we use sporting metaphors to clarify principles of effective mentoring.  Every adventure has a start and a finish.  A target, an aim.  Additionally, along the way there are places to score points in life’s register of competency, confidence, and bravery.

Think about any one of a thousand great sports moments where an athlete like Michael Jordan drains a last second shot from 30 feet to win the game.  Without even thinking every spectator is on their feet celebrating the fact that he hit the bullseye.  It’s this kind of celebration granted to young Ranger when he completes every obstacle and crosses every finish line of a Royal Ranger adventure.

The Royal Ranger premier scouting program offers one of the most unique and effective mentoring platforms.  With a Christ centered curriculum full of tangible life skills and adventure rich calendar, Royal Ranges grows boys and young men physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially.  There is truly a phycology to adventure.